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Outpatient psychotherapy - help on the path to mental wellness

There are many personal reasons for seeking outpatient psychotherapy. From a professional point of view, this is usually due to unconscious psychological conflicts from previous life experiences that have been brought to the surface by an external stressor. Regular psychotherapy is advised at the latest when the difficulties have become so great that they interfere with everyday working life.
Outpatient psychotherapy is a proven approach to treating mental health problems without the need for hospitalisation. The focus here is on close contact between the psychotherapist and the patient in order to work together on individual goals. Outpatient psychotherapy is suitable for overcoming a wide range of mental health challenges. These include anxiety disorders, depression, trauma disorders, eating disorders and many other mental illnesses.

The therapy process usually begins with a comprehensive diagnosis that focuses on your personal situation and your goals. On these foundations, MindVisons draws up a personalised therapy plan. The regular sessions provide space for dialogue, reflection and the development of coping strategies.

The treatment process - from the initial consultation to the therapy process
Whether you attend the practice through your private insurance or as a self-payer, we will first arrange an initial consultation. During this appointment, we will clarify your concerns and work out whether the services offered by the practice are suitable for your personal case. This is followed by up to four further trial appointments before a binding agreement is made and psychotherapy begins. The therapy sessions usually take place once a week and last 50 minutes. Sessions are billed according to the scale of fees for doctors (GOÄ).

Get in touch with us

We would be happy to discuss your concerns with you during a personal appointment. Call us on +49 (0)69 979 48582 or simply use the contact form below and let us know what's on your mind. We will then get in touch with you as soon as possible.

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