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Navigating the Menopause

The menopause is a significant phase of change in a woman's life and can have many different symptoms. These range from cardiovascular problems, hot flushes, mood swings and sleep disorders to less well-known symptoms such as joint pain, headaches and memory problems.
The menopause, which begins gradually from the age of 40 due to the drop of female hormones, is experienced by every woman differently and therefore needs personalised support. 

The treatment offered by Dr Birthe Furthmann is a specialised consultation with which we accompany you through this challenging phase of life and help you personally. We utilise the possibilities of modern medicine, such as plant-based, hormone replacement therapy, and introduce supportive lifestyle measures, such as healthy, valuable nutrition and exercise, and, if desired, stabilising psychotherapeutic support.

Today, women in the middle of their lives face a host of demands and new challenges that they want to embrace with joy and enthusiasm. We aim to empower you and support you on this journey.



Get in touch with us

We would be happy to discuss your concerns with you during a personal appointment. Call us on +49 (0)69 979 48582 or simply use the contact form below and let us know what's on your mind. We will then get in touch with you as soon as possible.

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